Monday, August 22, 2011

Health Update 2

So I shared with you that my last doctor's appointment didn't go very well. Some of my meds were changed and my doctor, who I really like, had some frank words for me concerning my future if I didn't make smarter choices. So some changes were made and unmade and made again between the last visit and my visit last week. It was a much better visit this time. She was happy that I'd lost weight and had a plan to continue that trend. She was really excited for Ray and his weight-loss, even though he isn't her patient. She noticed the difference right off. It made me smile that my doctor was paying attention to my husband's health even though she wasn't being paid to do so. I've lost right at 15lbs and Ray has lost twice that amount.

I'd say she was happy about my blood pressure, but that would be an understatement...I received a hug! My blood pressure is finally normal, which is something it hasn't been in almost 3 years. In fact, I've been in stage 2 hypertension since diagnosed with high blood pressure. I've taken so many different types and combinations of medications to get it under control, but they've only been able to bring me down to stage 1 hypertension and even then it wasn't always that low. But now, all is well. the doctor actually made sure I understood that my continued weight loss could result in low blood pressure which would cause me to be sluggish and that I need to keep an eye on it. So now I'm keeping a weekly journal of my BP and we'll see how it goes from here.

It's been a good 11 weeks health-wise. I go back to the doctor in 13 weeks for my next quarterly check up and I must say, I really am looking forward to another hug!

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