Wednesday, February 19, 2014

For So Much More...

Cami and I are sitting here pairing my new Jaybird Bluebuds X bluetooth headphones with my phone, the TV and laptop while listening to Pandora. She can't hear the music playing, but she has good taste so I know she's absolutely enjoying it. I had my phone in my hand about to close out Pandora when I started paying attention to the words of the song playing:

Give me one million problems
And I promise I'll worry about them all.
Give me twenty-four hours and I promise I'll fill them up
With all the things that are so small.
But something tells me
You made me for so much more.
(Matthew West - The Light of Eternity)

I've recently realized that I've allowed all the problems and things that are so small take up residency in my head and get me off track...way off track. I've been working to make the U-turn and once again have found that it's hard to let go of it all. So when I heard the above lyrics, it stopped me and I listened to the rest of the song. Good lyrics, not a great song, but that's okay.

All too often it's frustrating to note how difficult it can be to get what you know in your head to be embraced by your heart. It's not as easy as, let's say, pairing a set of bluetooth headphones. Too bad, right?